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About Us 
We Provide! 
Welcome to Provee! We are a Nonprofit Organization dedicated to improving the spiritual and physical lives of the impoverished in Central and South America with Christian discipleship, improved nutrition, higher education and community involvement projects.

Have Questions or Want to Help?

Meet Our Volunteers 


We have over 60 local volunteers who are committed to serving their community and sharing the Gospel.


We Bring Provision to a New Level



Our Story


Provee in Spanish means to provide and that’s what we are all about. Provee is a Nonprofit Organization dedicated to improving the spiritual and physical lives of the impoverished in Central and South America with Christian discipleship, improved nutrition, higher education and community involvement projects. Our vision is to fulfill the Great commission by making disciples. teaching the Word of God, and providing for the impoverished to see life transformation.


Some of our projects include a daily breakfast program in 4 of our local schools. Public schools in Guatemala lack funding and the government assists in very few ways. When Provee started it’s breakfast program in 2017 in 1 local school in our community, we saw a drastic change in the children’s nutrition, overall health, and ability to learn better in the classroom. Our hope is to expand into more schools in our local community to provide a great start to a child’s day and provide hope for their future.


Another project our team is involved with weekly is our Christian Education Project. Twice a week our local volunteers gather to prepare a lunch for children in 7 of our partnered schools, children in 2 of our partnered orphanages, and 2 of our partnered Senior Citizen Centers. The children receive a healthy and nutritious lunch along with a Bible lesson to help them grow spiritually and give them hope for the future. Our Senior Citizens are often left lonely and seek love and hope. Each week one of our volunteer team members lead our elderly in worship followed by a devotion. To see the joy and smiles on their faces is such a blessing for us and for them. We aim to extend the love and hope that only Jesus has to offer us.



Provee has several other projects we are involved with. We often are asked, “What makes you different than any other Nonprofit Organization in Guatemala or around the world?” Our answer: Provee was born through a ministry from a local Church in Guatemala. The ministry was founded and created by a Guatemalan couple with the calling to provide provision, truth, and hope in their local community. It’s rare to find a Guatemalan church or family to step forward and provide life impact and transformation with the stigma of “The Americans will come.” To this day, Provee has over 60 local volunteers who want to help extend provision, truth, and hope to all in Guatemala and across the world. Our uniqueness is the way we empower local Guatemalans to lead the ministry and belong to something which impacts others and receive impact in return. With all of our projects combined, we impact thousands of people. God is moving through this ministry and we are moving with him!


The future for Provee is limitless. The reality with small Churches or small Nonprofit Organizations is that we need you and you need us. We believe that when the body of Christ comes together as one, the Holy Spirit moves in incredible ways. Whether it’s partners from the United States, El Salvador, Argentina, or all over the globe, we are better together. Will you join us in what God is doing through Provee?

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